Writing workshops to nourish your creative soul
Spring 2025 Class Schedule
The buttons below take you straight to each course’s registration page. To learn about the difference between Off-Leash Writing Workshops and Memoir & Fiction Workshops, keep scrolling.
Tuesdays, April 8 - May 27, 2025
10am-noon EST
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Thursdays, April 3 - May 22, 2025
1-3pm EST / 10am-noon PST
Live via Zoom
Wednesdays, April 2 - May 21, 2025
1-3pm EST / 10am-noon PST
Live via Zoom
This spring, I’m only offering the Intensive Memoir & Fiction Workshop. If you have not worked with me before, please email me or schedule a conversation to discuss this workshop before signing up.
Tuesdays, April 8 - May 22, 2025
4-6pm EST / 1-3pm PST
Live via Zoom
Workshop full? Get on a waiting list.
Want to pay by installments? No problem! Email me and we’ll set it up!
Sliding scale pricing also available as needed. Reach out.
Which workshop is right for you?
Off-Leash Writing Workshops
Free your voice and generate lots of vivid, honest writing.
Off-Leash Writing
In this workshop, you will:
Receive juicy, inspiring writing prompts to get your hands moving.
Write—right there in the moment—wild and fast and free, and generate lots of raw, vivid, honest material
Share your work with the group and be witnessed and held in all your beautiful, complicated humanity.
Witness and hold others in all their beautiful, complicated humanity.
Get introduced to beautiful, provocative poetry, music, artwork, and other sources of inspiration for your writing.
Learn to see writing as a practice, where you show up and put words on the page, even when you don’t feel “inspired.”
Practice going towards what scares you and learn to trust your own voice.
Leave everything on the page and walk out feeling lighter and more deeply connected.
In this workshop, you won’t:
Be given homework. Everything takes place in real time.
Be critiqued on your writing. This workshop is all about freeing your voice and getting ink on the page.
Memoir & Fiction Workshops
Shape and polish your rough, wild drafts into finished work.
Memoir & Fiction
In this workshop, you will:
Discuss elements of the art, craft, and practice of writing and revision.
Do in-class writing exercises tailored to your needs.
Receive detailed, actionable feedback from me and a small circle of creative peers.
Get written notes and suggested edits from me.
Read and comment on the work of other writers in your cohort.
Learn to receive constructive feedback without getting knocked off center.
Be encouraged at all times to stay true to your vision and your unique voice.
Discuss avenues to publication.
Leave each session feeling emboldened and inspired to keep going.
In this workshop, you won’t:
Be taught to write like William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, James Baldwin, or any other (fabulous) writer besides yourself.
Be given feedback in a disrespectful or discouraging way.
Learn to write a bestseller in thirty days